Sunday, July 8, 2012

Cosmetic products

Cosmetic products are used for beautifying purposes and cover a wide range of products including; cleaning body parts, enhancing features, and changing skin tones and colors such as, makeup, perfume, toothpaste, shampoo and deodorant (Kumar et al., 2006). Cosmetic products are applied to enhance one’s appearance and used to communicate one’s style or aesthetic preference (Guthrie et al., 2008).
The history of cosmetics spans at least 6,000 years of human history, and almost every society on earth. In the Western world, the use of cosmetics became prominent in the middle ages, typically among members of the upper classes. Although it is generally believed that cosmetics as they are now known originated in the Far East, the study of non-industrial cultures indicates the use of cosmetics in every part of the world. The war paint of native Americans, the tattooing and scarification (making of superficial incisions of the skin) practiced by many people (the Maori of New Zealand and numerous African cultures, for instance), and the use of woad (a plant dye used by ancient Britons to paint their bodies blue) are all forms of cosmetic used for psychological intimidation of the enemy as well as adornment (Draelos, 2007). The general term cosmetics is applied to all preparations used externally to condition and beautify the body, by cleaning, coloring, softening, or protecting the skin, hair, nails, lips, or eyes. 

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